Beer and Beverage Festival

Festival of Hop, Beer and Beverages is a significant event in Ukraine, carried out every year during nineteen years on the first week of September on the territory of NC “Expocenter of Ukraine” in Kyiv. Due to unique climatic conditions in Ukraine grows the best hop, giving a special taste to Ukrainian beer.

Festival of Hop, Beer and Beverages acts with a noble purpose, explaining the role of brewing in economy of Ukraine, describing methods of brewing in ancient times, showing the modern brewing technologies.

During the Festival, on the territory of NC “Expocenter of Ukraine”  are located beer tents, offering different sorts of beer, brewed   by the best breweries of the country.

Festival of Hop, Beer and Beverages can amaze even the most experienced beer admirer. More than 60 sorts of beer and about 40 types of traditional snacks are brought for Festival. Here are presented both popular and elite sorts of beer.

Those who come to celebrate the end of hop season, are satisfied, because here, on the Festival of Hop, Beer and Beverages is offered to try the final product, which includes hops, from breweries all over Ukraine and from abroad. For visitors of the Festival there are prepared such contests as “The fastest collection of hop snags”; “Dancing with a beer cup on the head”; “Differ a sort of beer” and, of course, contest “The fastest depletion of beer cup”.

Festival will be accompanied by live music, guests can enjoy a huge amount of submitted sorts of beer, degust some new sort of beer, take part in various contests, listen favorite music, because at the Festival there are invited well-known musical performers.
Festival of Hop, Beer and Beverages gives a lot of positive emotions; it became a bright event of fall season in Kyiv.

Beer Festival ends with Award of “National Tasting”.
Beer – is a drink for adults. Organizers of the Festival strictly control beer sales, vendors and visitors are informed about restraint on alienation of beer to teen-agers.
The main objective of Festival of Hop, Beer and Beverages is an increase of culture in sphere of beer consumption, upbringing of temperance and sense of beer, promotion of beer production quality.

Festival of Hop, Beer and Beverages – is a major recreational activity with a rich cultural and sport program.

On Sunday  on  NC “Expocenter of Ukraine”, 1, Acad. Hlushkov Ave, Kyiv, Ukraine

 will be a closing ceremony, as well as will be named the best beer sort – winner of contest “National Tasting”.

Attention! Excessive drinking damages your health.

How to participate? Please, fill up a form!